Review on Life of Pi


Life of PI is a spiritual set in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Pi, a teenage boy ,has to over come his ordeal with his thought to be enemy, a Bengal tiger,  as well as this he fights for his life to get back to civilization.

Life of Pi starts of with Pi as a middle aged man with a writer he just met eager to hear his story. He was told by many that he had a story a writer would dream of writing. At this point of the film Pi flashbacks to his early (6-14 Age) and talks about ways in which he has been teach and his new discovery in God and Faith. Many, as a watcher, I enjoy listening to. It had set a bounder of faith and belief in film which would be tested as the story progress. This part of the film really develops Pi character and begin to introduce his companion, Richard Parker, a tiger. I think that this section, however criticized, will always stand out to me as important film development. It starts to really develop faith and wonder and a general feeling of a super-being as you, an adventurer, take this journey with Pi as you watch.

Unfortunately, this section ends abruptly as Pi and his Family begin to migrate to Canada. It is mostly as peaceful journey until the ship hits a thunderous storm in which the ship sinks. Luckily, Pi scrambles onto a life boat with a few animals for company. This is when the film bursts into life with ‘5’ new to the wild animals take on the biggest task their lives have ever found, survival. These animals take on they begin to kill each other in the first few days until there is two, Pi and Richard Parker. This natural enemy use each other to help themselves survive. At this point I the film Pi’s faith is tested and he crumbles but faith gives him another chance which makes him ever more determined to get back to civilization. The Ending of the film speaks for itself and sums up the 2 hour of visual effects in a mater of minutes. Revealing many metaphors and turning this film into an allegory with a meaningful message.

I feel that anyone who has the chance to see this film should do. It’s crafty metaphors and messages appeal to all ages and backgrounds. A film that  restores the belief of happiness in anyone. 5/5 stars!

I would describe it more but I feel I would ruin the experience.