Look at chapter two and pick out all adjectives that describe Snowball, Squealer and Napoleon

I think that the way the characters are introduce reminds me a lot of ‘Tom and Jerry.’ Which I think could of been based a lot on the characters personalities.


‘Napoleon was a large, rather fierce-looking
Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but
with a reputation for getting his own way.’

This small extract reminds me a huge amount of the big dog in ‘tom and Jerry’ that looks after Jerry most of the time.


‘…with very round cheeks, twinkling eyes, nimble movements, and a
shrill voice. He was a brilliant talker,’

Squealer reminds me a lot Jerry as he is the smallest and cutest. He is a good talker just like Jerry is because Jerry usually convinces the Dog to fight against the Cat.


‘Snowball was a more Lively
pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not
considered to have the same depth of character.’

This is probably not the strongest but I would connect him to Tom. Although Snowball does not try and eat squealer, he does always get into fights with Napoleon.

15 Facts about George Orwell: Life, Animal Farm, other writings


Born Eric Arthur Blair, George Orwell was a man of strong opinions who addressed some of the major political movements of his times, including imperialism, fascism and communism e.g. World War One, The Cold War, World War Two, etc. He was educated at Eton college where he began to study the English language. In his time he wrote many dystopian novels which are still recognized as the set example of dystopian plots or foundations. Unfortunately he died at an early age of 47 in 1950.

Animal farm:

The book was published mid-1945. It is strongly influence by the insane amount of power that Russia and U.S.A had. In many case in the book it leaves trails or references to real life events. Everything from the characters to what they say has been careful plan out which makes me love the book so much.

Other Writing:

Before becoming an author George was a journalist. In his time he wrote over 500 Articles. When he became an author he focused on the troubling time and circumstances around him and wrote about these decisions. Arguably, his greatest novel was ‘1984’. In the very first chapter he talks about the fact of being watch, based in WW1.         

10 words from reading ‘long way home’ that I did not know

Credibility-the quality of being believed or trusted- Page 3-‘She knew that her credibility must be wearing him thin’.I was confused by this word because it reminded me of incredible which in what was happening in the story didn’t make sense.

Gripe-To complain/ to have nagged – Page 5-‘…and every time I ask you to do something extra, you gripe about it’.By the way the word place in this part of the story (in a argument) it gave me the idea that it might have something to do with procrastinating or complaining.

Incision-A cut into a body tissue or organ, especially one made during surgery- page 7-‘”It’s not her fault, mum,” tom said, stabbing at the sausage with his fork and looking for the softest place to make the incision.’ At first, I thought that incision meant, to deliver or to exchange. after looking it up, I released that the Author was trying to make what seemed like a simple maneuver into a complex set of steps which in the story tom felt that he had to do to not get spotted by his mother.

Incline-To influence a certain tendency- Page 12-‘He’d managed to control his temper and even his father seemed less inclined to provoke a row.’ When I first hear this word I thought it meant to have urge, I guess i was sort of on the right track.

Beseeching-To request earnestly or beg for- Page 12- He looked down at his mother and saw in her face that weary, beseeching smile he’d seen so many times before when she was trying to bring a truce between the two’.I am a little confused by the word chose that the author has used because I do not understand how a smile can represent begging.

Sauntered-To stroll or walk- Page 14-‘.., climbed the gate by the dutch barn and sauntered slowly down the track towards the water-meadows’. I read this and immediately know it was a type of transport but was not too sure what type.

Welled-To relive or to not be able to get rid of- Page 14-‘The familiar feeling of meeting new people welled inside of him.’ I was not to sure how to explain what this word meant so I looked it up and I now understand it could be a useful metaphor.

Indignant-angered at something unjust or wrong- Paged 18-‘.., Keeping one eye on him and the other on the chorus of indignant hens in front of her.’I like that the Author has used this word in the story because it gives me a picture of the owners being lazy or mean.

Defiance-To boldly resistance to an opposing force or authority- Page 19-‘..:this one quaked out at her own special defiance’ This word here also build my picture of the owners of the farm where the story is based are lazy and maybe forgetful.

Cumbersome-Difficult to handle because of weight or bulk- Page 19-‘She seemed offended and waddled off, bottom-heavy and cumbersome, towards the pond.’ The important word in this sentence was ‘and’. I knew what bottom-heavy was so cumbersome would have been something related to it which I thought was clumsy. I looked it up just in case.

Turn a part of your novel or Animal Farm into a comic/script/poem. How does the meaning/content change after you have completed this?

It was a dark stormy night,
And Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm,
had locked the hen-houses for the night,
His drunken presence was on show,
Which gave the animals quite a fright,
The problem was, Mr. Jones, drunken procrastinator,
Had not locked, but had loosely tided an incorrect knot,
This gave the animals the perfect time to plan there plot.

This is a short extract of poem that could last a couple of verses. This style of writing however, takes the certification out of the story and turns it into uneducated banter that would keep the attention of a 5 year old.